Purification Program
10 Days to a Healthier You!
Are you tired of feeling tired? Does your body and digestion feel sluggish? Do you want clearer skin?
Most of us can agree that eating a clean diet, free of sugar and artificial ingredients, is ideal for optimal health.
And maybe you do that...some of the time.
But it's hard to avoid sugar, and sugar is addictive. It's in baked goods and desserts, and beverages like sodas and alcohol.
I don't advocate juice cleanses or long-term fasting but I've seen and felt the positive effects of the Metagenics Purification Program.
Combine a clean eating plan with food-based supplements that help optimize body function, and you've got a fantastic program to get your diet and other habits back on track.
Sugar isn't the only potentially harmful food you're ingesting. Common allergens like gluten, dairy, and soy may be tolerated but secretly causing a host of unpleasant symptoms like brain fog, bloating, and skin problems.
Alcohol taxes your liver, and caffeine can interrupt your normal circadian rhythm.
Additionally, these days our food is often full of additives that the body doesn't recognize as nutrition.
Food colorings, preservatives, artificial flavors, MSG, and other chemical additives can cause problems in your system.
Unclean water, subpar soil quality, cosmetic products, and plastics also all affect our internal health.
And this is why I’ve been offering this cleanse for so long!
On this cleanse, plenty of fresh produce, limited organic lean meats, and healthy fats like olive oil and coconut oil comprise the majority of your meals.
Throughout the 10 days you will learn and practice healthy new habits to take forward.
Read details and sign up below, and congratulate yourself on choosing to prioritize your health!
Still wondering if this program is a good fit for you? Curious about the ways toxins might be affecting your mental and physical health? Take this toxicity questionnaire to figure out if your body needs this dedicated time for purification:
People often choose to cleanse due to:
Low energy
Fertility issues
Digestive discomfort
Low libido
Skin issues
Brain fog
Hormonal imbalances
Wanting to lose weight
“It's been a terrific experience. I've begun a very mindful re-entry process. I feel good, have more energy and have lost 7 pounds.”
“[My husband] is someone who has sleep apnea, snores AND suffers from insomnia and he slept silently and like a baby every night of the cleanse - it was an incredible change. His also has high blood pressure and it plummeted (in a good way) while on the program.”
The Protocol
Eliminate inflammatory foods including alcohol, caffeine, dairy, gluten, red meat, soy, sugar, and nuts. On certain days you will eliminate eggs, chicken, beans, and nightshades as well.
Add in a daily protein shake as well as a single pill-based supplement that further supports key detoxification processes.
Your cleanse includes an introductory 20-minute phone consultation and email support for any questions that arise during the cleanse and subsequent integration period.
I know the 10-day program can seem daunting at first. You might feel attached to your morning coffee, or glass of wine to wind-down, or fast food snacks to keep you going through the day. I can’t stress enough how much food affects your physical health and mental clarity, and taking this time to give your digestion a break and reset your eating patterns can be hugely healing. Some commonly asked questions:
I’m always amazed how coffee is the dealbreaker for folks!
Coffee strains your nervous system, interrupts your circadian rhythm, and causes afternoon energy crashes.
In Chinese medicine there is a “coffee pulse” that feels like a vibrating wire!
Giving coffee up for 10 days can be difficult (and you might experience headaches) but can also be extraordinarily healing for your sleep and nervous system.
In a pinch you can drink green tea if you need a caffeine fix but yes, you should plan on abstaining from coffee for the entire 10 days!
I know my body (and maybe yours) prefers more animal protein, so I keep in wild-caught fish and bone broth for the entire cleanse. Metagenics has specific instructions day by day.
I definitely recommend cutting ALL factory-farmed meat, and tend to recommend cutting all red meat, for the duration of the cleanse.
Many people experience headaches and low energy during the first few days. Some people also notice constipation or diarrhea, and occasionally people notice breakouts or rashes. These reactions should pass after the first week, and are a sign that your body needed to rid itself of toxins!
People get very worked up about the rules of this cleanse. Metgenics has great resources for checking what is allowed and not allowed.
But! I really think it’s important to keep the spirit of the cleanse in mind.
If you are doing this to investigate autoimmune or inflammatory conditions what you eliminate will be more strict (e.g. you will probably want to cut out eggs, nightshades, and nuts).
If you are doing this to lose weight and reduce bloating you might keep in the eggs but definitely cut nuts.
We can discuss your individual needs but know that making good choices involves some sensibility and not just following the rules to the T.
Reach out below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!